Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 2 - Homework Assignment

Module 2 - Homework Assignment

Q Instructions Part I: Pick an organization and discuss how the strategic resources identified in resource-based theory (valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and non-substitutable) have enabled that organization to have a competitive advantage within that organization’s industry. Part II: Using the same organization from Part I, discuss how that organization uses the marketing mix (price, product, promotion, and place) to entice customers to purchase their goods or services. Give specific examples for at least two of the P’s. Part III: Using the same organization as in Part I, discuss how one of the four components of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets) has enabled the organization to maintain long term competitive advantage and reduce or eliminate risk. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. You are required to use Peer Reviewed sources and in text citations. Please use, at minimum, one peer reviewed source for each part of the assignment. 2. You should be using scholarly writing techniques. 3. You should use APA 7.0 format. 4. This assignment MUST be in a paper format - NO BULLET POINTS, NO NUMBERING

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Walmart Inc. has always been identified and distinguished by the value proposition provided in the diversified product-ranges and combinations of products (DeHart, 2020). This is because of the diversified categories of product-values provided for diversified products of the organization. One example of the diversified product-value is low-value products in which the prices will be low along with the value of each product being low (DeHart, 2020). Another example is high-value products which will provide more value for money for customers than buying single products or products of different amounts and quantities (DeHart, 2020).